Certificate in Advanced Aromatherapy (Online)



  • Online Course – enrol at any time.


This course for qualified Aromatherapists focuses on advanced aromatherapy treatment protocols. It seeks to instill further in-depth theoretical knowledge of the therapeutic use of essential oils to broaden the Aromatherapists client base and practice. It will enable aromatherapists to have the knowledge to practice within Ireland’s the legal framework and understand future global strategies.

The theory aspects of the course includes the following units:
• Legal requirements and guidelines in Ireland for blending, labelling and selling products
• Key elements of WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy
• Advanced Consultation and therapeutic practice: use of essential oils for qualified aromatherapists within their treatments;
Stress Management
– During meditation & spiritual practice
– Additional Ailments & Conditions;
– Other areas of specialist practice (including attendees specific requests) & supporting aftercare
– Use in Facial Treatments, Skin Conditions & for hormonal balance in skincare
– Seasonal use e.g. in the garden, at Christmas etc

• 3 test treatments & reporting
• Evaluation reflection of the training and the overall effectiveness of the therapy