New Course Dates!!

We have updated our Practitioner Postgraduate Course dates.  Click on the Training and Workshop page to see the courses we are offering this summer.  Anyone interested in completing an Occupational First Aid, Diploma in Sports First Aid, or Occupational First Aid Recertification course contact Sangoma  086 871 4467

Add us (Sangoma Therapies) on Facebook  for regular updates regarding our ITEC and Practitioner Postgraduate courses..

Upcoming Courses

We are currently updating course dates for all post graduate courses offered by Sangoma.  If you are interested in adding to your skills and becoming qualified in the latest courses check out our Training and Workshops page.

Contact Nicola Ryan on 086 8714467 or visit our training page for more information..

Thinking of a career in Complementary or Beauty Therapy?

We are currently taking enrolments for our internationally recognised Diploma courses. At Sangoma we pride ourselves on providing the highest standards of training in ITEC Beauty Specialist, Holistic Massage and Sports Therapy. All of our lecturers are highly qualified, experienced professionals with a passion for teaching in their chosen fields. We have small classes to ensure individual attention and our courses are part time to fit in with your busy schedule. If you are considering a career change or would like to work in this exciting industry contact Nicola Ryan on 086 8714467 or visit our training page for more information..

Practical Health and Wellbeing Day Thank You.

The Practical Health and Wellbeing Day at the Radisson Blu Hotel was a great success. We would like to give a huge thanks to everyone involved in organising the event for all their hard work. A special thanks goes to the Sangoma Team, Nicola, Petra and Bernie for giving their time so generously to raise funds for The Westmeath Hospice. We would also like to thank those who donated for this very worthy cause.

Don’t forget to tune into Natural Alternatives on Athlone Community Radio 88.4fm between 4pm and 5pm on Wednesday. This Week Nicola will be discuss Detoxing. If there is a particular topic you would like covered on the show then email us at

Announcements, updates and events

It’s all go here at Sangoma and we have lots going on at the moment. Firstly we’d like to congratulate Nikki on her new Radio show – Natural Alternatives – on Athlone Community Radio. Every week she will feature a different condition and offer advice on natural treatments. Tune in every wednesday from 4 to 5pm on 88.4fm.

We are settling into our beautiful new premises in number 2 Garden Vale and are offering a discount of 10% of all treatments for the month of April to welcome you all. We also have a new facebook page so please add us as a friend to be updated on monthly special facebook offers.

And finally we will have a stand at the upcoming Practical Health & Wellbeing Day at the Radisson Blu in Athlone on Sunday the 17th of April, where Nikki will be giving a talk on Hot Lava Shell Massage at 12.oopm and Sarah will be talking about Food Intolerences at 1.30pm. Entrance to the event is free and proceeds go to a very worthy cause; The Westmeath Hospice.

So come along and meet the team and we look forward to welcoming to our new premises..

Beautiful, fully equipped treatment room for rent, competitive rates

We are currently recruiting dynamic, highly motivated therapists to join our team. The rooms are rented on a full day basis and we are offering a very competitive rental rate of €40 per day with a further reduction for 2 or more days.

The clinic is located in Garden Vale, a beautiful Victorian terrace with all the features you would expect from a period property. Garden Vale is known as “the Harley Street” of Athlone due to the number of medical practitioners in the area. The clinic is located beside the Athlone town shopping centre and has a good footfall and plenty of parking.

Rooms are available Monday to Saturday and would suit most therapies however we have a demand for the following therapies to complement our team:

Reflexology, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Beauty Therapy, Body Work Therapy, Cranio-sacral and Osteopathy


  • Intercom system
  • Reception/ Waiting Area
  • Tea/Coffee Area
  • Small Shop area


  • Be part of a dynamic team of therapists with a passion for natural medicine
  • Involvement in group marketing
  • Website Link
  • Inter clinic referral system


Contact Nicola Ryan on 0868714467 for more information.

Upcoming Courses At Sangoma

Saturday February 26th 2011, Certificate in Hot Lava Shell Massage. Lava Shell Massage is the hottest new eco-treatment and has been dubbed by Vogue magazine as ‘the new hot stones’.  Lava Shells deliver a seamless massage of heat and touch. They are the worlds first naturally self-heating massage tool that generate their own heat for over an hour – 10 times longer than hot stones. The 1- 4 shells needed per treatment are totally portable and take just seconds to prepare and clean. No electricity or equipment is needed – much easier and less expensive for the therapist and the salon/clinic. Contact Nicola Ryan on 086 8714467 for Booking or More Info.

We are delighted to announce our ITEC Diploma courses are re-starting in September and October 2010. We have courses to suit all, including:

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Business Awareness & Professionalism
  • Beauty Specialist Diploma (using natural, eco-friendly products)
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • Holistic Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Sports Massage

Small classes – limited places!

For more information or to make a booking, contact Nicola Ryan..